
  1. Contrast:

Dealing with mould and condensation

Condensation occurs in bathrooms and kitchens because of the steamy atmosphere and often in unheated bedrooms. It occurs when warm air meets a cold surface. The risk of condensation and subsequent mould depends on how moist the air is and how cold the surfaces of your rooms are. It mostly occurs in winter when buildings become cold and windows are opened less with moist air unable to escape.

You can prevent condensation and black mould in your home by:

  • preventing moist air spreading to other rooms from kitchens and bathrooms or from where clothes may be put to dry
  • providing ventilation to all rooms so that moist air can escape
  • trying to keep your home reasonably warm (where possible keep heating on at low levels to avoid rooms becoming cold)
  • using an extractor fan - if you have one - in the kitchen or bathroom, or leaving the bathroom window open for long enough to dry off the room
  • not drying clothes in unventilated airing cupboards.

Any sign of mould is an indication of the presence of moisture and if caused by condensation, provides a warning that heating, insulation or ventilation may need improving. Black mould should be cleaned with bleach or an anti-fungicide solution.

For further information, read our condensation and dampness page.

If you are experiencing problems then email Roger O'Sullivan and we can arrange for an inspection to assess the problem and provide further guidance on improving ventilation or dealing with the issue.

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