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National Scrutiny Week: 27 - 31 July

National Scrutiny Week (27 -31 July) is a chance for tenants and landlords to celebrate the impact of working in partnership to scrutinise services. Scrutiny is an essential part of delivering services at SHP and plays a vital role in the SHP New Deal.

To ensure we best serve and represent our diverse community, we must continue to engage across multiple levels.

SHP currently partners with residents to actively shape decisions around their home and community via:

  • Residents' associations

  • Community walkabouts

  • Scrutiny Boot Camps organised in partnership with the Sutton Federation of Tenant and Resident Associations (SFTRA)

  • Community events

  • Estate inspections

  • Resident repair inspectors

  • Becoming an SHP Board member

  • Joining our Performance Committee

  • Taking part in a satisfaction survey

  • Space to submit complaints, compliment or feedback.

Whilst different, each of these spaces provides a unique opportunity for residents to scrutinise services they use and work together with SHP to drive long term change.

Steve Tucker, Managing Director of Sutton Housing Partnership said;

“We recognise that being involved looks and feels different for our residents across our community. We want and need to work closely together to design service improvements jointly and ensure what we do best represents our diverse community and keeps our services accountable. National Scrutiny Week is a great opportunity to raise awareness of how we work with residents and reflect on what engagement is as we continue to improve services as a result of Covid-19.”

We are conscious that during Covid-19, things are more difficult than normal and not every aspect of our resident engagement offer is able to be delivered. However, we are working tirelessly on new ways to keep you engaged with the services you use. 

For example, you can still join our public meetings, our Performance Committee is now meeting via Google Meets. We can arrange for test calls with all those interested - so please don’t be put off by the technology as we can help you! Please contact us for more information via

We are also keen to work with residents to develop an active Sounding Board to help steer conversations and impact decision making, if you are interested in being involved, please email - 

We know residents have experiences, skills and ideas which will help us deliver great services, we want you to get involved and have your say.

To find out more please visit -

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