Resident Voice Panel

Join our Resident Voice Panel
Join our Resident Voice Panel and help shape the future of our community!
Sutton Housing Partnership Resident Voice Panel is an online group of residents who agree to give their views on a range of topics including current work, new or existing services, or broader issues that we may require your feedback on throughout the year.
As a panel member, your feedback will be heard by Sutton Housing Partnership, giving you a direct influence on the services and issues that matter most to you. We value your opinions and will actively use them to drive improvements, and you will receive regular updates on how your input has led to real changes.
We want to hear from a diverse range of voices from across our resident communities.
Participation is flexible - share your views through online surveys and engagement activities when it suits you.
Become a voice for your community today! To be part of the panel you must be a Sutton Housing Partnership Resident and aged 16 or over. It's quick and easy to sign up and start helping to shape the future of Sutton Housing Partnership.