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Steve Tucker's Homefront Column: Winter 2020

Dear Resident,

Thank you for taking the time to read about what SHP is doing and the strong partnership and co-working we are cultivating with residents. Our ambition is to sustain tenancies, enable successful lives and ensure residents can take pride in where they live. Over the last year we have made changes in how we deliver services: 

Keeping in Touch with Residents - the introduction of direct contact by phone, email or text with Housing Managers, our tenancy visits programme and the assessments help to improve our communication links. As well as the ongoing improvement of Homefront, our newsletter to all residents. 

Keeping Residents Healthy and Living Well - our health and wellbeing pilot in St Helier has been evaluated and we are now extending similar themed health and wellbeing programme to a wider age group in the Shanklin estate. The pilot included activities such as yoga, Soup Club, eye checks with opticians and drum therapy. Our plan is to scale this up across the Borough to combat isolation and promote togetherness.

Keeping Residents Safe at Home - our work on fire safety and wider compliance on addressing the root causes of antisocial behaviour.

Our focus in the year ahead will be on:

Estate Management Standards - implementing clear and explicit standards for caretaking, grass cutting, horticulture and overall estate management through a grading system that we encourage residents to lead upon inspecting with us, to drive up standards and pride in where residents live.

Improving Resident Communication and Customer Service - promoting direct contact, our locally based hubs and a consistently excellent customer service experience. 

Increasing the Visibility of SHP in Localities - ensuring we have a highly visible presence where residents live, so you can see the work we are doing to improve services and work alongside us to create successful communities.

Kind regards,

Steve Tucker

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