• New shop helping people live independently at home for longer opens in Sutton

    Find out more

  • Warning about disrepair claims companies

    We want to alert you to the presence of claims management companies falsely representing themselves as Sutton Housing Partnership or Sutton Council repairs staff.

    Find out more

  • SHP takes damp and mould very seriously and we're working as hard and fast as we can to address any reported cases

    If you have a damp issue, please contact our Repairs Team immediately on repairs@suttonhousingpartnership.org.uk or call us on 020 8915 2000

    Report damp and mould

Latest news

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Sutton Community Awards 2024

Nominations for Sutton Community Awards 2024 are now open!...

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Shop helping people live independently at home opens in Sutton

New shop providing the latest equipment and digital solutions for people to live an independent life and remain in their own home for longer opens in Sutton....

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Homefront - Spring 2024 edition

The 2024 Spring edition of Homefront our newsletter for residents is out now and will be landing on your doorsteps soon....

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Heating and hot water restored on the Collingwood Estate

Heating and hot water have been restored to residents on the Collingwood Estate....

Our next Resident Engagement Morning is on 18th May 2024

Come along to our next Resident Engagement Morning on Saturday 18 May, 9:30am to 12:30pm at the Civic Offices in Sutton....

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Your Tenancy Conditions have been revised

The London Borough of Sutton has agreed to the proposed variations and the new tenancy conditions will come into effect on 1st May 2024...

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Warning about disrepair claims companies

Guidance and advice on responding to disrepair claims companies...

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Changes to rent and other charges from April 2024

Confirmation of rental increases for the year 24/25...

Welcome to our MTD residents

On behalf of MTD Housing we would like to welcome you and your family to Sutton Housing Partnership (SHP), we are excited to have you with us....

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Homefront Winter Edition 2023

The winter edition of Homefront is about to hit doorsteps and it's also available for you to read online. Inside you can read about some of the activities happening over the festive season to ensure that you stay connected, local support networks and details about your Housing Manager. Happy reading!...