Performance Committee

Working alongside residents and resident organisations, SHP completed a review of its scrutiny process in late 2016. As a result, we formed a Performance Committee composed of Board members and residents to monitor SHP's services. 

The main responsibilities of the committee are to:

  • Obtain and consider performance information including Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) and stakeholder feedback
  • Benchmark against comparable organisations
  • Consider quarterly reports on resident engagement and monitor actions from the resident engagement strategy 
  • Decide an annual scrutiny work programme

The committee is looking for new members and observers to provide insight and scrutinise performance. If you’re interested in attending or to find out more, please email or by call 0208 915 2000 and ask for the governance team.

Next meeting

Wednesday 5th June 15:00pm

Performance Committee 5 June 2024 Dispatch.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Previous meeting packs

28 February 2024 10:00aam

Performance Committee 28 February 2024 Dispatch (2).pdf [pdf] 4MB

Wednesday 22nd November 

Performance Committee November 2023.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Wednesday 13th September 10am

Performance Committee September 2023 Dispatch.pdf [pdf] 2MB

24th May 2023 10am

Performance Committee Dispatch May 2023.pdf [pdf] 3M

TSM analysis for London Councils April 2023.pdf [pdf] 449KB

1st March 2023 at 10:00am

Performance Committee Dispatch 1 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Wednesday 23rd November -  10:00am

Performance Committee November 2022 Dispatch.pdf [pdf] 3MB

Wednesday 14th September

Performance Committee - September 2022

Wednesday 25th May

Performance Committee Dispatch - May 2022.

Thursday 3rd February 

Performance Committee February 2022 (2).pdf [pdf] 2MB

SHP Quarterly Performance Report February 2022.pdf[pdf] 1MB

Future Performance Committee meetings 

22nd November 2023 10:00am

28th February 2024 10:00am


For historic committee papers, please contact via