Community walkabouts

Community walkabouts build stronger communities where residents can lead on or identify issues that may be cause for concern and so help improve their estates. This will include encouraging and supporting residents to identify areas, including:

  • Minor estate improvements 
  • ASB or crime-related issues
  • Highways concerns including abandoned vehicles
  • Fly-tipping
  • Parking

We want you to take pride in your area and to work with your Housing Manager and other residents within the community, to make the area a safe and well maintained place to live. The walkabout will help us to:

  • Target areas of concerns
  • Inform you of our role and how we work with partner agencies to resolve issues of concern and achieve mutual objectives
  • Promote ways for you to become involved in your local area and decision making
  • Identify improvement for the external environment including opportunities to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB)
  • Provide active engagement for you
  • Develop plans for your community
  • Work in partnership with other services in the borough

 Upcoming Community walkabouts

If you would like more information or let us know you are coming to a walkabout you can contact your Housing Manager or call us on 020 8915 2000.

Community walkabouts – schedule

Location Date and Time Meeting point Housing Manager
Plough Lane Close Wednesday 5 February between 2025, 2:00pm-4:00pm By the car park Paula Punter
Radcliffe Gardens Wednesday 26 February 2025, 10am - 12pm Near first block as you drive into Radcliffe Gardens Verity Manjang
Titchfield Road and Titchfield Walk Thursday 6 March 2025, 10am - 12pm Outside corner of Tweeddale Road and Titchfield Road Charlotte Cummings
Cheshire & Goodson House Thursday 20 March 2025, 10am - 12pm   Helen Onanuga
Rosehill Court Friday 28 March 2025, 10am - 12pm Rosehill Car Park Khai Nahar

When do they happen

Walkabouts occur once a year and include all large block properties managed by SHP and some street properties with known issues or concerns. Housing Managers will prepare the community walkabout eight weeks prior to it taking place. They will oversee invites and communicate the purpose of the community walkabout with colleagues and partners who may be invited or required to attend.

Who can attend 

Where there are emerging issues that may have been raised with the Senior Leadership Team, a representative at a more senior level will be invited to attend. The walkabouts will be tailored to address emerging concerns within a particular area, for example, the London Fire Brigade and officers from the Risk and Compliance Team at SHP would be invited to attend where fire safety concerns have been raised by residents. 

Front-facing staff who actively work on the estate will attend and these will include:

  • Housing Manager
  • Caretaker
  • Ground maintenance
  • Area Housing Manager
  • Communal Surveyor 

We will also extend an invitation to the following (where appropriate):

  • All SHP colleagues (to encourage and promote personal development)
  • Board members
  • Sutton Leaseholders Association
  • Sutton Council representatives
  • Councillors

What happens after a community walkabout

Housing Managers will develop an action plan and agree timescales with relevant colleagues or partners. 

All actions will be reviewed quarterly to ensure that all commitments have been met and if matters have not been progressed, these will be passed to the Area Housing Manager to take further.

If you would like more information or to let us know you are coming to a walkabout you can contact your Housing Manager or call us on 020 8915 2000.