Help for perpetrators of domestic abuse

Cover your tracks

Use ‘Hide this page’.

The Government’s Disrespect Nobody (opens in new window) website provides detailed information about how to cover your tracks online. 

Get help

Sutton Housing Partnership will take enforcement action against residents who breach the terms of the tenancy agreement. We will also signpost to support available for those wishing to address their behaviour. 

Help is available if you think you may be harming someone else - and for concerned friends and family of perpetrators of domestic abuse. 


Restart provides early intervention for perpetrators that are causing harm in families that are being supported by Children’s Social Care. Where needed, access to accommodation may be provided for the perpetrator to increase family safety and space for action. Find out more about the Restart Project.

Transform Sutton 

020 8092 7569

Help is available in Sutton for perpetrators - those who are harming someone else - who want to address their behaviour. For more information, contact Transform via email or phone. Visit the Transform website (opens in new window) for more information or to refer yourself, or contact your Housing Manager.

Respect Phoneline 

Freephone 0808 802 4040 Mon to Fri 9am–8pm.

Free from landlines and mobile phones within the UK. Your call will not appear on itemised bills. You can also call free from BT pay phones.

For email support and webchat check the Respect Phoneline website (opens in new window) for times.

Respect Phoneline is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them. We support men and women who are using abuse in same-sex or heterosexual relationships. 

Advice and support is also available for concerned friends and family of perpetrators of domestic abuse

For more information visit the Respect Phoneline website (opens in new window).

Are you experiencing domestic abuse?

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, it is important to remember that it is not your fault, and that you do not have to live through it in silence and on your own. You are entitled to live your life free from fear. Go to our page on where to get help for people experiencing domestic abuse for details on the many people and organisations whom you can turn to for help and advice.