Board Members

Steve Bullock (Independent Chair)

Steve Bullock, SHP Chair Steve is the Chair of the SHP Board. He retired as Lewisham's directly-elected mayor in May 2018 after serving four terms. Since 2010 he had been serving as the London Councils’ Executive lead on Housing and the Mayor of London's Homes for Londoners Board.

Steve is a director of the Housing & Finance Institute which seeks to boost the capacity of the sector and secure increased delivery.  He is continuing to work with some individual local councils on improvement as part of the Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Programme. Following his retirement Sir Steve was appointed as the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for Lewisham.

He served as Deputy Chair of the LGA and chaired its Commercial Board.  He previously led the LGA’s work on Human Resources including oversight of national pay bargaining for the sector.

Steve has recently been appointed as the Chair of Sutton Living, a local authority housing company which is delivering new homes for both sale and rent.

His other interests include theatre, rambling, football and traditional music. He is a patron of the Saltburn Festival of Folk Music, Dance and Song which takes place in North Yorkshire each August.

Anne-Britt Karunaratne (Independent Board Member)

  Anne-Britt Karunaratne (SHP Independent Board Member)Anne-Britt is the current Vice-Chair of the SHP Board and a member of the SHP Performance Committee.

She has worked in social housing for over 35 years across a range of disciplines and in both the public and private sectors.

She currently heads up customer and housing services at a housing association working across the south-east.

Ade Adebayo (Independent Board Member)

Ade Adebayo, board member

Ade Adebayo joined the SHP Board in December 2022 and is also a member of the Audit and Risk Committee.

He is a chartered surveyor and has extensive working experience in both the private and public sectors, including 16 years leading the property and asset management function at Sutton Council.

Ade is also a non-executive director of a housing association. As a consultant, he provides strategic asset management services to public sector organisations.


Rachelle Beltran (Independent Board Member)

Rachelle Beltran (SHP Independent Board Member) Rachelle joined the board in 2021 and is the current Chair of the SHP Audit & Risk Committee.  She is a qualified accountant, who has worked in public, government,  and charity sectors since 2006.

Her most recent roles include Director of Transformation at The Royal Parks, and Senior Consultant in international finance and real estate at Oxford University Press.

Previous positions include Chief Executive, Director of Finance, and Transformation Consultant for a variety of housing associations including Clarion and Wandle.

Rachelle is also a Non-Executive Director at another housing provider. Living in Cheam, Rachelle enjoys the local parks, keeping fit and travelling.

Gary Miles (Council nominee) Gary Miles (Council nominee)

Gary has over 20 years' experience working as an HR Practitioner and Business Manager and a member of the SHP Audit & Risk Committee.

He was the director of Roffey Institute and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personal Development.

He has worked with a range of sectors, including in higher education, central and local governments as well as housing.


Marlene Heron (Council nominee)

Marlene Heron (Council nominee)

Marlene Heron is a former Councillor for Sutton North and Vice-Chair of the Sutton Local Committee and member of the SHP Performance Committee.

Being raised on a council housing estate and bringing up her own family in social housing, she understands how important it is for children's wellbeing and life chances. 

Her career within social housing has aimed to empower tenants to challenge, influence and obtain the best service possible from their landlords.

She is looking forward to positively contributing to the improvement and extension of services for tenants, leaseholders and s16 freeholders by listening to their needs and desires for the future.


Councillor Wendy Clark (Council nominee)Image of Councillor Wendy Clark


Councillor Clark has been the St Helier West Councillor since 2022 and is a current member of the Housing Economy and Business Committee. 






Colin Hawkins (Co-opted resident)

Colin Hawkins is a co-opted member of the SHP Board and also the current Chair of the Sutton Federation of Tenants and Resident Associations and member of the SHP Performance Committee.

Beverley Brigden (Co-opted leaseholder)

Beverley Brigden is a co-opted member of the SHP Board and Secretary to the Sutton Leaseholders Association