Loud music

We would not usually consider this to be anti-social behaviour unless the noise from loud music was persistent.

  • You may want to have a friendly word with your neighbour as they may not be aware you can hear their music. We have put together some tips to help you resolve problems with neighbours. You can also download our concern card (PDF 44KB).
  • If you do not feel safe approaching your neighbour, or have tried and the situation has not improved, you can contact Sutton Council’s Environmental Health Team on 020 8770 5000. If they take enforcement action, we will use this as evidence against the person responsible if appropriate. This may result in tenancy enforcement action.
  • You can complete our diary sheets (DOC 695KB) with dates and times of the incidents and you may also want to download The Noise App (opens in new window) to record instances of the loud noise. However, please note as of the 31 March 2023, the app will be no longer be offered by us. As of 1 April 2023, we will be replacing it with the ASB app. Please contact your Housing Manager to sign up as this new app is invitation only.

How to make a report

If you want to report persistent noise from loud music please use our form below.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) report form

You can attach your completed diary sheets (DOC 695KB) and noise recordings when you make your report.