Alterations and Adaptations

Residents must obtain permission before making adaptations or alterations to their homes. This requirement is outlined in the tenancy conditions reviewed in 2023, which detail your responsibilities for such changes.
Following these conditions ensures that SHP can provide appropriate guidance and support.
Alterations and the Right to Make Improvements
You must have our written permission before making any alterations or improvements to your home or the shared parts of your building. This includes, but is not limited to:
Installing external lighting
Decorating the exterior or shared spaces
Modifying areas for vehicle parking
Changing fixtures and fittings
Alterations must not negatively impact the environmental or energy performance of the property or building. While we will not unreasonably withhold permission, we may impose conditions that you must follow. If permission is refused, we will explain the reasons in writing.
If you:
Proceed without our permission
Complete work to a poor standard
Fail to meet any conditions
You may be required to restore the property to its original condition. If you do not, we may carry out the work and recover the costs from you.
Even with our permission, you are responsible for obtaining any necessary approvals, such as planning permission or building regulations approval, and ensuring compliance with their conditions. All work must meet the required standards and adhere to the terms of our agreement.
You may be eligible for compensation for certain improvements when you vacate the property.
For further assistance, please contact your Housing Manager or our Customer Experience team at 0208 915 2000.