Report a safeguarding issue

Below you can find out what to do and who to contact if you have any safeguarding concerns about an adult or child or want to raise another concern.

If you think anyone is in immediate danger

If you think anyone is in immediate danger call 999

You can also report any safeguarding or abuse to SHP.

What is abuse?

Examples of abuse include:

  • domestic violence
  • not caring for someone properly (neglect)
  • pressuring someone to give away money or property
  • psychological abuse (e.g. threats, harassment or forcing someone to live somewhere they do not want to)
  • physical abuse (e.g. violence)
  • sexual abuse


The Sutton Safeguarding Adults Board website provides a range of useful information for people who may experience or be at risk of experiencing abuse, their families, carers, and the public.


Child abuse includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse, as well as neglect. You can read more about the signs of child abuse on the NSPCC website.

Our safeguarding policy

You do not need to be sure that a person has been abused to report it. It is okay to report a suspicion. You will be asked for your details when you report a potential safeguarding issue, but you can choose not to share them.

Please read SHP's Safeguarding Policy for further guidance

What happens when you report a safeguarding issue

The person who answers your call will decide what to do, for example, they might:

  • gather more information
  • ask another organisation to help look into it, e.g. a social worker, the police
  • tell you what happens next, although they will not be able to give you any confidential information

Reporting a concern (non-safeguarding)

If you have another matter to report but it is not a safeguarding issue you can also report this and it will be followed up. An example of this might include someone who now needs additional support to live or maintain their independence in their home or following a stay in hospital.