Estate standards for cleaning

We need your help in keeping the living spaces and communal areas clean and pleasant for all and would encourage reporting any spaces considered ‘Red’ rated to your Housing Manager.

Communal lights

Communal lights
communal light showing green standard

The lights must be working and the light fittings should look as though they have recently been cleaned inside and out with no dirt or cobwebs on or around the fitting.



communal light showing amber standard

The lights must be working and the light fittings should look as though they have recently been cleaned inside and out with no dirt or cobwebs on or around the fitting.



communal light showing red standard

There is clearly a build-up of dirt and cobwebs inside and outside of the light fittings. The cleaning of the light fittings has been neglected and it may have cracks in the surround.








green standard for estate lifts

The lift floor, doors, walls panels and frames are clean with no signs of dust or dirt and appear to have been cleaned regularly and there are no foul odours.




amber standard for estate lifts

Floors, walls and runners are dirty, excessive litter.





red standard for estate lifts

Build-up of dirt, litter, established stains, no evidence services have been provided.






Communal windows

Communal windows
green standard for communal windows

The window has no dirt, no dust, no cobwebs and generally the level of cleanliness is excellent.




amber standard for communal windows

The condition of the window is in a poor condition (e.g. water streak on inside of the window; there is a buildup of dirt and dust).




red standard for communal windows

The condition of the window is very poor (e.g. frame and glass in excessive cobwebs, dust and dirt).





Ledges and window sills

Ledges and window sills
green standard for ledges and window sills

The condition of the ledges are in excellent condition (totally dust and dirt free).





amber standard for ledges and window sills

The ledges and window sills are in poor condition, with a high build-up of dust and dirt e.g. evidence of old cobwebs, insects, dirt and litter.




red standard for ledges and window sills

The condition of the ledges is totally unacceptable, with excessive amounts of dirt, dust and grime. It would also score a “Red” if it was in a hazardous condition (e.g. broken glass or mirror or sharp objects).





Entrance lobby

Entrance lobby
green standard for entrance lobby

There should be no evidence of dirt, dust or detritus in the corners and there should be no dirt or chewing gum stuck on the floor. The floors are swept and mopped and free from junk mail and newspaper.




amber standard for entrance lobby

There will be evidence of small amounts of dirt, detritus, litter and maybe cobwebs in the corners and dust along the top of the skirting board. There will be little evidence that the floors have been swept and mopped recently.



red standard for entrance lobby

There is clearly a build-up of litter and the cleaning of the lobby has been neglected. A build-up of personal items is present causing a fire hazard in the building.





Handrails, ledges and bannister rails

Handrails, ledges and bannister rails
green standard for handrail or bannister Handrails, banister rails, ledges, switches clean and dust free.
amber standard for handrail or bannister The handrails, bannisters, skirting boards and ledges have dirty lower sections and there will be too much evidence of old cobwebs, dust and litter.
red standard for handrail or bannister The handrail and bannisters are too dirty to be used. There is no evidence that any surfaces of the handrails, bannisters, skirting boards and ledges have been wiped, dusted or cleaned.


Floors and staircases

Floors and staircases
green standard for floors and staircases There should be no dirt, dust, detritus or litter on the stairs and floors. There should be evidence that they are swept, mopped and are clean to the touch.
amber standard for floors and staircases Little evidence of recent sweeping or mopping.
red standard for floors and staircases Obvious signs of excessive dirt and debris.


Walls and ceilings

Walls and ceilings
green standard for walls and ceilings The walls in all communal areas are very clean and have no scuff marks or other dirt on them.
amber standard for walls and ceilings The walls in the block’s communal areas are generally clean but have a few isolated dirty marks or scuff marks on them.
red standard for walls and ceilings The communal walls are generally very dirty throughout the whole building and there is no evidence that any marks or dirt have been attended to recently.


Rubbish chutes

Rubbish chutes
green standard for rubbish chutes The hopper head is as clean as it can be and the floor and walls around the hopper head are also clean.
amber standard for rubbish chutes The hopper head is not perfect, with maybe small bits of dirt present, but there is no rotten food and very little dirt on the outside.
red standard for rubbish chutes At least one hopper head within the block is blocked with rubbish. There may also be evidence of rotting food and/or maggots within the hopper head.


Bin areas

Bin areas
green standard for bin area Bin areas clean and free from rubbish.
amber standard for bin areas Small amounts of litter on the floor and dirt have started to build up and only minor attention is required.
red standard for bin area There is a build-up of litter and dirt on the floor and significant attention is required.